How you can support your local small businesses during the Coronavirus Lockdown!

As some of you may have heard, there is this virus named after a wonderful Mexican beer, that is absolutely wreaking havoc on the entire world…

The effects of this virus go far beyond health, your local small businesses are on the brink of disaster because of this, and here are 4 ways YOU can help keep your local community thriving in the wake of the Coronavirus:

  1. Buy online: almost every maker, craftsmen, gift shop, book seller, and more have an online presence, where you can order products to be delivered, or buy gift cards to use at a later date.

  2. Eat Out, In: Most local restaurants and bars are offering curbside pickup(and some are even offering local delivery) for their entire menu, meaning you can have the pleasure of eating your favorite local chef’s cuisine in your bed, on your couch, and in your pajamas!

  3. Drink Up: Local breweries, distilleries, and wineries are all offering discounts on growlers and bottles of the best drinks money can buy, and you don’t even need to leave your vehicle to get them! Just call ahead, ask for curbside pickup, and VOILA! you will be enjoying a cold beverage of local delights tonight!

  4. Have a concert in your living room: Local bands and musicians are hosting virtual concerts every night. Take in your favorite neighborhood talent, donate a few bucks, buy their music, and most definitely buy their t-shirts(especially if we made them!). They will appreciate it, and you will be doing your part to preserve the beautiful music that makes your community special!

So there you have it, 4 easy ways to help keep your local businesses in business during this time of need. As a business owner, I can tell you that ANY amount of money you spend locally is appreciated greatly. We cannot thank the fine people of Traverse City for helping keep us busy right now, and I know your neighborhood businesses would feel the same!

Shop Safe, Shop Local.

Beau, Owner of T-Shirt Robot

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